Feb - Nov 2021
UX Design
Product Design
UI Design
Visual System
Psychology-based storytelling and job search.
Working with the co-founders to create a brand new application to assist professionals in the workplace. Providing them a network of trusted advisors.
Career transition has become very complex, with very little to no feedback in the process.
Creation of a platform, allowing professionals to gain feedback, find mentors, network, and create a personalised & re-invented resume, covering aspects that regular resumes neglect to showcase.

01 Understand
02 Define
Competitor Analysis
Market Research
User Interviews
03 Ideate
User Flows
UX Design
UI Design
04 Prototyping
UI Design
High Fidelity
05 Testing
Usability Testing
Receive interview feedback even before the interview.
The following research was essential to my understanding, especially never having interacted with artificial intelligence. I was able to see how AI interacts with Human Psychology, but also learn individuals' goals, pains, reasoning, and actions. Initial research assisted in the design of the app later on.
The app covered a wide range of topics, so it was important that research didn't stray from the goal. I kept a list of goals, questions, assumptions and methodologies.
Research Goals
Understand market and target groups
Identify existing job search/mentor websites - services, strengths, and weaknesses
Learn preferences, goals, pains, motivations of target groups
Research Questions
Why do individuals seek out mentors and what do they look for?
What are the main difficulties that are experienced when searching
How do individuals search for jobs
How do individuals react to generic job rejections?
Are individuals doing anything to receive feedback for resumes/interviews/job applications?
What are the existing services for job search
Main issues when finding & contacting mentors
Competitive Research
It is important to research existing and pioneering companies to identify similar solutions and also identify gaps that nSpire could address. Because the goal of the company covers a variety of ideas, it was a bit difficult to identify companies that covered the same. I reviewed companies that had similarities over the aspects of 'job search,' 'resume,' and 'conversational AI.'
Competitor Analysis - research existing companies, understand how it works, pros and cons
Topic research (AI & Psychology) - learn about human interaction with AI and apps, learn how to bridge the gap between humans and technology
User interviews - 3-5 individuals and their experience with job search, acceptance, rejections, being a mentor or looking for a mentor
Users will expect a platform similar to linkedin
Users will have concerns about reviews of mentors
Mentorship can sometimes be expensive
Those who are dedicated to finding jobs or improving themselves in the job search process are more likely to use the platform

Engaging through research papers, seeing what has been done and how it has been done resulted in a deeper understanding.
Job Search
Higher intensity job search resulted in more job offers, but not quality (van Hooft et al. 2015).
Those who put in more effort had higher openness, agreeableness (van Hooft et al. 2015).
Individuals who had a broader search of jobs received more job offers than a focused job search. However, Individuals who focused their job search had higher levels of job satisfaction than those who had a broader search. (Crossley & Highhouse, 2005).
Job Preparations
Job search behaviours include preparatory (getting self ready, revising resume, reading about job search) or active (submitting application) (Blau, 1994). An active search was used more during later stages of job search (Saks & Ashforth, 2000).
Interview Behaviour (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
Higher intensity job search resulted in more job offers, but not quality (van Hooft et al. 2015).
Those who put in more effort had higher openness, agreeableness (van Hooft et al. 2015).
Individuals who had a broader search of jobs received more job offers than a focused job search. However, Individuals who focused their job search had higher levels of job satisfaction than those who had a broader search. (Crossley & Highhouse, 2005).
Future Directions
What factors could improve online job search for job seekers?
To what extent does job search quality make a difference in achieving job search success?
Can individuals be taught to improve their networking benefits?
How might networking backfire for job seekers?
Imagine if..
What if we could mix AI and human psychology, so you can gain confidence in your skills, before speaking to a human.
Have you ever wanted feedback after applying for a job? Or even just a simple response?
We want to allow individuals to practice with AI and receive immediate feedback. Then have the chance to speak mentors working at regarded workplaces to receive feedback in line with the company.




Ahmed, A., Ali, N., Aziz, S., Abd-alrazaq, A., Hassan, A., & Khalifa, M. et al. (2021). A review of mobile chatbot apps for anxiety and depression and their self-care features. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine Update, 1, 100012. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpbup.2021.100012
Alonso, P., & Moscoso, S. (2017). Structured behavioral and conventional interviews: Differences and biases in interviewer ratings. Revista De Psicología Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones, 33(3), 183-192. doi: 10.1016/j.rpto.2017.07.003
Bendig, E., Erb, B., Schulze-Thuesing, L., & Baumeister, H. (2019). The Next Generation: Chatbots in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy to Foster Mental Health – A Scoping Review. Verhaltenstherapie, 1-13. doi: 10.1159/000501812
Hardavella, G., Aamli Gagnat, A., Xhamalaj, D., & Saad, N. (2016). How to prepare for an interview. Breathe, 12(3), e86-e90. doi: 10.1183/20734735.013716
Korteling, J., van de Boer-Visschedijk, G., Blankendaal, R., Boonekamp, R., & Eikelboom, A. (2021). Human- versus Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers In Artificial Intelligence, 4. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.622364
Orrù, G., Monaro, M., Conversano, C., Gemignani, A., & Sartori, G. (2020). Machine Learning in Psychometrics and Psychological Research. Frontiers In Psychology, 10. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02970
Vansteenkiste, V., Lens, W., Witte, H., & Feather, N. (2005). Understanding unemployed people's job search behaviour, unemployment experience and well-being: A comparison of expectancy-value theory and self-determination theory. British Journal Of Social Psychology, 44(2), 269-287. doi: 10.1348/014466604x17641
Williams, K. (2008). Effects of Practice and Feedback on Interview Performance. Retrieved 2 December 2021, from https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1477&context=all_theses

02 Define

03 Ideate
After some UI Requirements were sorted, I began doing some low-fidelity versions of pages that were easy to visualize. This helped start the process, rather than getting overwhelmed by the vastness of the project. Some easy pages to start with included the onboarding, home page, capture, and capture/experience summary.
Addressing potential gaps and risks. Communicate constantly with developers.

Style Board
I wanted to create a brand guide that suited the tone of the company. When doing research on similar companies, the shades of blue was recurring. However, to stand out a little, I looked at different colours (option 1). Ultimately, option 2 stood out as professional and a familiar colour palette for 'job' platforms. The accent colour of yellow was added to reduce the 'strictness' of the app and keep it more friendly for users.

Option 1
Option 2
Revision of wireframes: mid fidelity
Adjusted colours
Added sections to the home screen
More detailed into summary screen
Addition of share to advisors page

Revision of wireframes: exploring high fidelity
Reduced homepage height to fit phone screen (no scrolling)
Tweaked colours, fonts, buttons
Added practice section
Addition of trial app

04 Prototype
In the prototype phase, I gave myself tasks myself and chose pages based on that. This allowed me to see any errors before giving it to users.
I used Figma to create the prototype using the pages that are necessary for users to finish each task.
NOTE: Testing is ongoing, prototype is currently hidden.

05 Testing
Create a worthwhile platform that people can use, learn and love.
Testing is currently ongoing.